So you've decided to hang out your shingle and start your own bookkeeping business. Now the nail-biting begins. How are you going to line up some clients fast$%:
1. Send out a sales letter to new businesses announcing your bookkeeping service. Put together a mailing list using your local Yellow Pages directory or Chamber of Commerce membership list.
2. Place a display ad in your local newspaper. Watch your costs on this though, as display ads can really be expensive. You could create a "Question and Answer" display ad which solves a common problem a potential customer may have. Your expertise will help assure potential clients that you know your stuff. Create a different ad weekly and you could develop a loyal following.
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3. Place a classified ad in the Work Wanted section. Make sure you create a catchy headline and describe which services you provide. Don't print your hourly rate though as you want to be able to negotiate this depending on each client's needs.
4. Get in contact with your local Accountants and setup a referral system with them. These professional are always looking for good bookkeepers that they can refer their client to. It saves them from dealing with an accounting nightmare at year end.
5. Start networking at your local Chamber of Commerce or other business type organizations. These groups are all made up of business professionals who either will need a good bookkeeper or can refer you to someone who does.
6. As a follow-up to your sales letter you could send out a newsletter with information on bookkeeping, financial and business issues. Try not to overly promote your bookkeeping business otherwise people will just see it as blatant advertising and not valuable information worth keeping.
7. Send out small postcards as another follow-up to your original mailing. It keeps your bookkeeping business name on people minds. You could use the "Questions and Answer" format and make it another valuable information piece for potential clients.
So now you've got some idea on how to promote your bookkeeping business. Now go out and line up some clients.